Swiss Water Process Decaf Blend Coffee Beans


About the product

Folks are often surprised when they taste our Decaf! We literally have to show them the packet to prove it is in fact decaf as they can’t believe how good it tastes.

Premium Swiss Water Decaf Blend is  medium roasted and 99.9% caffeine free. No Synthetic chemicals are used in the processing of this coffee,.

Brew Guides and Tasting Notes


We are getting great results with 21.0 grams DOSE / 40 grams YIELD in around 30 seconds. A silky mouthfeel upfront with raisins, lime and toffee.


With full cream milk, try 21.5 grams DOSE / 40 grams YIELD in around 30 seconds. Tasty dried fruits upfront with caramel notes and a taste reminiscent of cashew nuts in the finish.


3Kg now available at a discounted price (Only available as whole bean or plunger grind)